Saturday, March 19, 2011

Jang Jun Hwa, Early instruction on foreign language

Jang Jun Hwa


Intermediate English Writing (1)

Early foreign language education First draft



Are You Not Having a Hard Time Learning Foreign Languages?


             270. Do you know what this number stands for? It stands for the number of kindergartens in Korea where English education is a top priority. Roughly 270 kindergartens teach English "legally" What if the number of preschools, which are not actually allowed to mainly teach English, is counted? It must be increasing dramatically. Also, there are many kindergartens to put emphasis on teaching foreign languages such as Chinese and Japanese. I think the reason why more parents send their children to the language-centered preschools is obvious. Because it works! It has several advantages to teach preschoolers foreign languages.

             When babies who are under 5 acquire their native language, their right brain is used. It is not learning. They simply remember what to hear without knowing the meaning. Still, they will soon speak and understand their first language. It is related to a child's innate linguistic ability. Likewise, when acquiring second languages, babies use their right brain as well. It means that babies do not need an effort to know them. On the other hand, children above the age of 5 use the left brain to "learn" the languages. It will take more time and efforts learning foreign languages than mother tongue.

             Some people think that foreign language may interfere with learning native languages. However, in 2009, the study at Brussels Free Universities (ULB) in Belgium proved that it does not. The research team reported that the children, who are exposed to multilingual environment, are more likely to acquire the first and foreign languages effectively, than children exposed to one language.

             Early instruction on foreign languages has several merits in terms of language acquisition and a synergy effect for languages. Language is merely the vehicle to achieve what people want. Therefore, in the age of globalization, multilingual people can easily fulfill their dreams. We should give this opportunity to children. Teaching children foreign language is necessary. The point is how we teach, not whether we teach.




  1. 1. I really like your writing, it is clear and logical. Also, the part I like the most is your very first part as you started with numbers and it is interesting enough.

    2. Your main point seems to be kids under 5 acquire language skill much more easily.

    3. The only drawback is,if any, "they just remember what to hear" ->"they just remember what they heard" because "what to hear"means "what they should hear"

    4. Also, in the second paragraph, you said about the brain, but you didn't say anything about why they have to put more effort if they use left part of the needs a little more sentences for reasons.

  2. Yoon Jin Soo

    1.You accounted for advangage of early instruction on foreign languages reliable
    by using scientific evidences.

    2.Main point
    This essay explains about strong point of
    early intruction on foreign languages

    3.Powerful line
    "However, in 2009, the study at Brussels Free Universities (ULB) in Belgium proved that it does not"
    I can get a sense of your efforts for writing
    this essay. Also this sentence makes your opinion more powerful

    4.Someting aren't clear
    I couldn't find unclear sentences in this

    5.Big improvement
    Body paragraph of this essay is too scanty.
    More background informations will make your
    essay more dependable

  3. Park Jin-kyung 200904082

    1. I really like your writing, it is clear and logical. Also, the part I like the most is your very first part as you started with numbers and it is interesting enough.

    2. Your main point seems to be kids under 5 acquire language skill much more easily.

    3. The only drawback is,if any, "they just remember what to hear" ->"they just remember what they heard" because "what to hear"means "what they should hear"

    4. Also, in the second paragraph, you said about the brain, but you didn't say anything about why they have to put more effort if they use left part of the needs a little more sentences for reasons.
