Thursday, May 26, 2011

200503311 Ji Chang Min a classification essay on page 144

Chang-min Ji 200503311

Jon H. Bahk-Halberg

Intermediate English Writing(1)

May 22th.

What nutrients does your food have?

        People eat various foods everyday. But do you know what nutrients the foods have? There are six main types of nutrients used to maintain body health, which are water, protein, fat, inorganic salts, vitamin and carbohydrate. Among them, water, fat and inorganic salts are common. Most foods fully contain them. You just need to control the amount of them not to overeat. But protein, vitamin and carbohydrate is limited to certain foods, although they are essential nutrients. So we have to consider our diet to consume certain foods which contain protein, vitamin or carbohydrate.

        First, I will introduce why our body needs to consume protein and what foods contain protein. Our body consists of a large number of organs such as intestine, teeth, lung, muscle and so on. Almost all of them are made up of protein. Like this, protein is an essential nutrient in making our body. Then, how can we consume it? We make an effort to eat certain foods containing protein. For example, a beef tenderloin, a pork neck, a chicken breast have relatively the high amount of protein. Especially, a chicken breast per 100g contains about 23g of protein.

        Second, I inform you about vitamin. You don't have to consume vitamin too much. But if your diet is deficient in vitamin, you will suffer a vitamin deficiency disease. For example, lack of vitamin A makes you suffer night blindness; lack of B does beriberi; lack of C does scurvy; lack of D does rickets. Let me introduce what foods has what kinds of vitamin. Potatoes, sweet potatoes and carot have enough vitamin A. Milk, cheese, liver and egg contain enough vitamin B. Tomato, orange, kiwi and apple contain vitamin C. Mushrooms, mackerel and other fishes have vitamin D.

        Last, you have to be careful to consume carbohydrate at an appropriate time. When you eat it too much at a time, leftovers turn into fat which can induce obesity. If you don't eat enough amount, your body may damage itself to produce energy. So you need to keep carbohydrate consumed on time. I will inform you of what foods have much carbohydrate. Beans, rice, nuts, barley, wheat, bread and other cereals consist mainly of carbohydrate.

        Up to now, I introduce specifically protein, vitamin and carbohydrate. We have learned that lack of those nutritions affect our body and how we can deal with nutrition deficiency. These days in our society, products and services that promote personal well-being are all the rage. The most important element for well-being life is health. Take good care of your health!

1 comment:

  1. 200904082 Park Jin-Kyung

    1. THis writing is informative and interesting. A pleasure to read! I learned a lot from your essay.

    2. All the specific detailed exmaples were quite strong and convincable.

    3. I like the content of the essay and I think the way you connect the sentences makes the readers very comfortable as you start lots of sentences with "I'll inform~ "and "You~"

    4. But, I think these sentences like "I will introduce why our body needs to consume protein and what foods contain protein." , " I inform you about vitamin." or "I will inform you of what foods have much carbohydrate." don't really look necessary. You can make your writing without those expression.
